

淮南市八公山區聯邦國際快遞網點 外貿提單/樣品成品寄送

2024-10-16 15:31:56  fedex International Connect Plus (FICP) 之后,聯邦快遞擴大了其限日電子商務遞送服務的使用范圍。該服務現已在英國、德國、法國、意大利、西班牙、波蘭、奧地利、瑞典、比利時和荷蘭提供。消費者的購物方式每天都在變化,并迅速改變了零售格局。研究表明,一旦 COVID-19 爆發結束,49% 的購物者將更頻繁地在線購物。預計今年全球在線支出將增長 14%,達到 2.96 萬億歐元[1],并且由于電子商務的這一顯著增長,聯邦快遞正在為電子商務客戶重塑其產品組合。通過為客戶提供更廣泛的電子商務服務套件,FICP 將通過將歐洲企業與全球和歐洲內部市場的更多客戶聯系起來,支持歐洲企業的增長之旅。擴大其歐洲電子商務能力是聯邦快遞歐洲增長戰略的關鍵支柱。使用 FedEx International Connect Plus,在線企業能夠以極具吸引力的價格為買家提供額外的國際運輸選擇。FICP 允許電子商務企業在 2-4 天之內接觸到歐洲的在線購物者,3 天之內到達北美,3-5 天內到達亞太地區新服務具有 FedEx 國際限日遞送服務的可靠性,以及 FedEx 的清關知識。其他支持功能包括跟蹤、向收件人發送通知以及通過 FedEx Delivery Manager? 靈活更改交付選項,這為購物者提供了對其在線訂單的可見性、更多控制和便利性。





  自 2023 年 6 月 1 日起,若使用聯邦快遞國際優先服務1寄件,從中國寄往全球部分地區的貨件托運時間將縮短。屆時,您可以使用國際優先服務,將重要貨件運送至全球主要市場和地區2,交付時間僅需1-2個工作日。

  隨著聯邦快遞國際經濟服務3的恢復,您還可以將不太緊迫的貨件從亞太市場寄往全球 170 多個市場和地區2,且能夠實現在承諾日期當天結束前送達,讓您安心無憂。



  1. 聯邦快遞國際優先服務包括聯邦快遞國際特早快遞服務、聯邦快遞國際優先快遞特快服務和聯邦快遞國際優先快遞服務。

  2. 派送時間因市場而異,并視情況而定。有關具體的始發地和目的地詳細信息,請查看我們的費率和運輸時間頁面。

  3. 聯邦快遞國際經濟服務包括聯邦快遞國際經濟快遞服務?、聯邦快遞國際經濟快遞?重貨服務和聯邦快遞國際經濟快遞?分送快遞服務。

  FedEx has launched a new route connecting the Vietnamese capital Hanoi with the FedEx Asia Pacific hub located in Guangzhou, China, to enhance import and export services in Hanoi. The new route will significantly improve the transportation time of all inbound flights from Hanoi, enabling it to provide next business day delivery services within the Asian region.The new route will use 757 freighters, with four flights per week between Guangzhou and Hanoi. Goods exported from Hanoi can reach China and other major commercial centers in Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines, in just one business day. Goods shipped from Hanoi to Europe and North America will be delivered within two working days. For all international shipments to Hanoi, the transportation time will be reduced by one working day. Goods from Europe will arrive in Hanoi within two working days, while goods from North America will arrive within three working days.Chen Jialiang, President of FedEx China, said, "Vietnam, as an important partner of China's' Initiative ', has continuously strengthened investment and trade between China and Vietnam. In 2017, the bilateral trade volume between China and Vietnam was nearly 100 billion US dollars. In order to meet the growing transportation demand between China and Vietnam, we have opened a new route, which will further support the interconnection of Chinese and Vietnamese enterprises, promote bilateral trade exhibitions, and support the promotion of' Development Strategy 'Recently, a study commissioned by FedEx found that 58% of Vietnamese small and medium-sized enterprises export to the Asia Pacific market, while 80% export to other markets. The United States, China, India, and major markets in Europe are its main export destinations. Small and medium-sized business owners are optimistic about the sustained growth of exports, and the key factor for this growth is the support of logistics suppliers.In order to meet the constantly changing market demands, FedEx continues to adjust its network and routes in the Asia Pacific region. In April of this year, FedEx launched a new route connecting the FedEx Asia Pacific hub in Guangzhou with the FedEx Global hub in Memphis.


上一篇  馬鞍山市含山縣聯邦FedEx國際快遞 外貿提單/樣品成品寄送
下一篇  合肥市廬陽區聯邦FedEx國際快遞 下單取件/折扣價發貨

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